Saturday, September 7, 2013

Small Victories

I started this site a while ago because I was finding really cool stuff in the National Archives and it seemed a shame that no one else could see it. Naturally, there's some stuff that I come across I need to sit on for a bit, but I still enjoy getting information out there that wasn't available before. Such is this tale.

Last year, which scanning in photos of aircraft carriers, I came across this photo of a corvette:

No idea what it was at the time, but I like Corvettes, so I scanned it in. I came back across it a couple of weeks ago and finally researched the pennant number to try and find out what ship it was. I was able to match it to HMCS Riviere du Loup, but there were absolutely no other photos of her that I could find on the internet.

So, I created a Wikimedia commons account and uploaded that baby.. it's now on her Wikimedia page, the first and so far only photo of this quiet ship on the internet. Hopefully it will be of use to someone.... a small advancement at best, but one nonetheless.

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